Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper
Our Prime Minister, a World Leader

Message from Ed Holder

Ed Holder MP London West

Recently, the Conference Board of Canada released its economic growth projections, which shows growth in this year’s economic forecast projections of 1.7% in real GDP growth. The silver lining of this report however is the 2013-2016 economic forecast, which projects London’s real GDP to grow about 2.4% in that time period. Such growth would bring London to the fourth-best growth rate among mid-sized cities in Canada. This is huge news!
There’s good news for the region too. Much of this growth is attributed to a rebound in the manufacturing sector, an industry with a particularly strong presence in South-western Ontario. If there is a trait we as Londoners have shown an abundance of over the past few years, its resilience. So let no one say that we cannot rebound, that we cannot grow, that we cannot prosper. Even the statistics say so…London’s regional unemployment rate has decreased each month for the last 6 months, even as more job seekers have entered or re-entered the job market.
We all know that economic uncertainty still surrounds much of the US and Europe. But it’s okay to be optimistic about Canada’s and London’s future. In fact, we need to shout out that London is a great place to work and live. The London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) says so (See their great video here at ) – and share it with others.
Let’s be loud and proud. We are all ambassadors for our great city – and we need to tell the world that London, Ontario is open for business. We need London’s current employers and job creators to be recognized and appreciated. We need to acknowledge our skilled and diversified workforce. We also want outside investment to look hard at London as their destination of choice. If you know of someone looking to move their investments, or their company, tell me or call Peter White, President of the LEDC. My number is 519-473-5955 and Peter’s number is 519-661-5314.
It’s time to tell the world!

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